Brand Naming: Kraft Foods' "iSnack 2.0"' Controversy in Australia
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Want a Spread of iSnack 2.0 on Your Toast?But after the mid-2000s, Australia witnessed a gradual change in its demographic composition. The number of immigrants increased considerably in comparison to people born and brought up in Australia. Foreign born people, who had not been exposed to Australian traditions and tastes did not like the strong taste of Vegemite, preferring butter or cream cheese instead. Thus, Kraft witnessed a falling demand for the product in Australia. The company conducted online research and formulated a new recipe for Vegemite based on consumer insights. It introduced a new spreadable version of the original Vegemite in July 2009 and, as part of the product promotion, started a naming contest 'Name me'. From among the 48,000 suggestions received, Kraft's marketing team picked out the name 'iSnack 2.0' for the product, hoping that the trendy name would appeal to the target segment - Generation Y6 consumers.
6] Generation Y, also referred to as the Generation Next or the Millennial Generation or the Net Generation, usually denotes the generation with birth dates starting from 1970 to the 1990s. The generation is characterized by its increased use of digital technologies, media, and communications. ![]()
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